Localization and detailed study of archaeological sites, etc.
Road construction and inspection
Engineering-geological surveys, localization of underground utilities, structures, etc.
Precision Agriculture
Fertility assessment, monitoring the spread of groundwater dynamics, assessment of concentration of mineral fertilizers, etc.
Building construction and inspection
Engineering-geological surveys, geophysical surveys under the foundation of buildings, monitoring of underground communications, etc.
Shallow ground-parametric sensing using compact equipment (RUS)
Resistivity Methods: equipment, technique and application experience (RUS)
Shallow frequency sensing: spatial sensitivity, effective depth, transformation and one-dimensional inversion
R&D report 2010 – ENG
“Shallow Geophysics” benefit on a special course (RUS)
Instruction manual (EmsControl) (ENG)
Technical documentation -EMS (ENG)
Nemfis scanner control by PDA (RUS)
Frequency electromagnetic sounding equipment EMS (RUS)