Version 9.1
[Fixed] ERI schedule optimisation.

Version 9.0
[Update] System tools.
[Fixed] Sound notifications.

Version 8.1
[Update] IP window in main data processing window.

Version 8.0
[Update] New hardware revision support.
[New] IP window in main data processing window.
[Update] Export of ERI project.

Version 7.4
[Update] System tools.

Version 7.3
[Update] GPS enabled by default.
[Fixed] Measurements order in VES session window.

Version 7.2
[New] Geomteric factor tooltips int template unit window.
[Update] System tools.

Version 7.1
[Update] System tools.

Version 7.0
[New] Partial spanish language support.
[Update] Context menu in main data processing window.
[Fixed] Export data to RES3DINV.
[Fixed] Import of ELECTRE sequences.

Version 6.9
[New] Export data to DIINSO.
[Update] Settings window.
[Fixed] D2D data files support.

Version 6.8
[New] IP curves filter in main data processing window.
[Update] Context menu in main data processing window.
[Fixed] Context menu in main data processing window.

Version 6.7
[Update] Data sorting in table tab in main data processing window.
[Update] System tools.

Version 6.6
[Update] System tools.

Version 6.5
[New] Automatic instrument reconnection.
[New] CRP session.
[Update] Resistance limitation in Enabled electrodes window.
[Update] File browser.
[Fixed] ERI project window.

Version 6.4
[New] Estimate duration button in template and schedule windows.
[Update] Embedded help.
[Update] System tools.

Version 6.3
[New] Touch scrolling.
[Update] "Spacing - Level" parameters table.
[Update] ERI schedule optimisation.
[Update] Enabled electrodes window.
[Update] Test electrodes window.
[Update] Embedded help.
[Fixed] Export data to ERTLAB.

Version 6.2
[Update] System tools.

Version 6.1
[Update] System tools.
[Fixed] Instrument status window.

Version 6.0
[Update] Diagnostic window.
[Update] System tools.
[Fixed] Output voltage in settings window.

Version 5.4
[New] Sound notifications.
[New] Resistance limitation in Enabled electrodes window.
[Update] "Spacing - Level" parameters table.
[Update] Filter in main data processing window.
[Update] System tools.
[Fixed] Roll-along electrodes in template base window.
[Fixed] Filter in main data processing window.
[Fixed] Default file name.
[Fixed] Devices list window.
[Fixed] Auto save.
[Fixed] Export data to RES2DINV.

Version 5.3
[New] Marked only option in table tab in main data processing window.
[Update] Scope in main data processing window.
[Update] Table tab in main data processing window.
[Update] Export WL session to a text file.
[Update] System tools.
[Fixed] Instrument connection.
[Fixed] Geometric factor in WL session.

Version 5.2
[Update] System tools.
[Update] Error window.
[Fixed] Export data to ERTLAB.

Version 5.1
[New] Export data to RES3DINV.
[Update] "Spacing - Level" parameters table.
[Fixed] Instrument connection.

Version 5.0
[New] WL session.
[New] SP session.
[New] Self potential samples in settings window.
[New] All button in groups tab in main data processing window.
[New] Multi-hub mode.
[New] S64K15E instrument support.
[New] Export data to ZONDRES2D.
[New] GPS support.
[Update] Configure button in template unit window.
[Update] Diagnostic window.
[Update] View of schedule in design menu.
[Update] System tools.
[Update] ERI templates ("*.eritem" files) have no backward compatibility with older versions.
[Update] VES sessions ("*.vesses" files) have no backward compatibility with older versions.
[Update] Filter in main data processing window.
[Update] Copy and paste buttons in electrodes arrangement window.
[Update] Save window.
[Update] "Spacing - Level" parameters table.
[Update] Embedded help.
[Fixed] Import of ELECTRE sequences.
[Fixed] Controlling keys of world tab in main data processing window.
[Fixed] Table tab in main data processing window.
[Fixed] VES session window.

Version 4.14
[Fixed] Raw data plot.

Version 4.13
[Fixed] Pseudo-depth calculation.
[Fixed] Android file system operations.

Version 4.12
[Fixed] Table tab in main data processing window.

Version 4.11
[Update] System tools.

Version 4.10
[New] IP curve plot.
[Update] Raw data plot.
[Update] VES curve plot.
[Update] Export data to EXCEL.
[Update] Export data to PROSYS II.
[Update] Save button in test settings window.
[Fixed] Controlling keys of world tab in main data processing window.
[Fixed] Rows selection in table tab in main data processing window.

Version 4.9
[Update] ERI session window.
[Update] System tools.
[Fixed] Test settings window.
[Fixed] Pseudo-depth calculation.

Version 4.8
[New] Export data to EXCEL.
[Update] System tools.
[Update] Rename of ERTLAB to ELECTRE.
[Update] Import of ELECTRE sequences.
[Fixed] UTF-8.

Version 4.7
[New] Processing button in main tab of ERI session window.
[Update] Test info in electrodes tab.
[Update] System tools.
[Update] Embedded help.

Version 4.6
[New] Misc tab in data group info window.
[Update] Misc tab tab in ERI session window.
[Update] Test settings window.
[Update] Settings tab in data group info window.
[Update] Misc tab in ERI session window.
[Fixed] Export VES session to a text file.
[Fixed] Export RL session to a text file.
[Fixed] Template unit window.

Version 4.5
[New] Configure button in template unit window.
[Update] Coefficient of variation in settings window.
[Update] Multiple files selection in file browser.
[Update] Projection, profiling and sounding tabs in main data processing window.

Version 4.4
[New] S32K4 instrument support.
[New] Settings tab in data group info window.
[Update] System tools.
[Fixed] Projection and profiling tabs in main data processing window.

Version 4.3
[Update] Axis orientation in main data processing window.
[Update] System tools.
[Fixed] Export data to ERTLAB.

Version 4.2
[Fixed] Start button in ERI session window.

Version 4.1
[New] Firmware version in connect window.
[New] View of schedule in design menu.
[Update] System tools.

Version 4.0
[New] Output voltage in settings window.
[New]] RL session.
[New] File name prediction in settings window.
[Fixed] Export data to PROSYS II.

Version 3.10
[New] Wenner arrays.
[New] ERI template example.
[Update] ERI project window.
[Update] Profiling tab in main data processing window.
[Update] System tools.

Version 3.9
[Update] Import of ELECTRE sequences.
[Update] Reset button in settings window.
[Update] Saving session.
[Update] Enabled electrodes window.

Version 3.8
[Update] Electrodes information window.
[Update] Embedded help.

Version 3.7
[Update] Enabled electrodes window.
[Update] Disabled negative chargeability values in main data processing window.
[Update] Embedded help.
[Fixed] Misprints.

Version 3.6
[Update] Embedded help.
[Update] Instrument status window.

Version 3.5
[Update] Embedded help.
[Fixed] Pseudo-depth calculation.

Version 3.4
[New] Remote electrodes window for making schedule.
[New] Absolute resistivity values tool in main data processing window.
[New] Misc tab in ERI session window.
[Update] Embedded help.

Version 3.3
[Fixed] View tab in main data processing window.
[Fixed] Profiling tab in main data processing window.

Version 3.2
[Update] Test electrodes window.
[Update] System tools.
[Update] View tab in main data processing window.
[Update] Export data to RES2DINV.

Version 3.1
[New] Profiling tab in main data processing window.
[New] D2D data files support.
[Update] Embedded help.
[Update] System tools.
[Fixed] Output resistance value in main data processing window.

Version 3.0
[Update] Version 3 has no backward compatibility with older versions.